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guardian deity 守護神。

guardian saint

You can read in the buddhist scriptures some stories about how the demon king or demons devoted themselves to shakyamuni buddha . they vowed to become guardian deities in order to redeem their previous sins , so that their levels would be elevated , which enable them to practice becoming arhats and bodhisattvas 你們看佛教的經典,里面不是說那些魔王或者什么魔都來跟釋迦牟尼佛皈依,以后發誓當護法,才能夠將功贖罪,等級才能夠提高,然后慢慢修行成阿羅漢菩薩。

The heavenly warriors and guardian deities look so horrible because they have just been promoted from the level of the ferocious demons . if they cannot even change their outer appearances , you can imagine their inside qualities . they look menacing outside , because they are fierce inside 那些天兵天將或是神護法看起來都很恐怖,因為剛從魔鬼的等級上來,很兇惡,他們的外表都還不能改,何況是里面,外面怎么兇惡,就是因為里面兇惡。

You noticed that all the guardian deities in the temples look very fierce 你們去寺廟看到的神護法是不是很兇?

It is because they were demons before they became guardian deities 因為他們以前都是魔鬼,后來當了護法。